Date(s) - 11/15/22
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Ice House on Main


Doctor David Flint and William Scott :: The WHOOP!!! App and the Ionic Framework

Doctor David Flint will discuss the User Adoption and Diffusion research objectives behind the WHOOP!!! App,  an Affinity Network experimental app framework, soon to be released within the Texas A&M University community.

William Scott, a member of the AGX dev team, will present the Ionic Framework, the impressive Cross-Platform App Development Platform that runs the WHOOP!!! App.

Doctor David Flint is a professor, mentor, musician, world traveler, and as an entrepreneur, a habitual risk taker. He has been engaged in entrepreneurial activities since the early 1980s across multiple industries and is presently involved in board, leadership, or advisory positions across business endeavors in software applications, real estate, and insurance. David serves on the board of several not-for-profit organizations with both domestic and international activities and is passionate about helping businesses, entrepreneurs, and individuals succeed.

William Scott, a current sophomore in college, taught himself how to program at 12 years old. Since the start of his career, he’s taken particular interest in developing mobile applications for both Android and iOS. Having an active education and freedom to pursue many frameworks for development, he’s gathered an educated understanding of many current methods of app development. Scott has released many apps to the app store throughout his highschool career, having experience in the mobile app store market.