Date(s) - 04/18/23
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Grand Stafford Theater
Liam Snyder (Project Lead), Andres Lasala, Joshua Matthew, Kevin Liu :: C-Lars
C-Lars team – Developing a more efficient solution for robotics used for heavy machinery. The project mainly focuses on research and conceptualization of alternative mechanisms for propulsion.
Liam Snyder is a mechanical engineer at Texas A&M. He is in the Corps of Cadets and driver for the Formula Student team in both combustion and electric cars.
Andres Lasala is an A&M freshman engineering student and a Computer Aided Design Designer at Superior Aircraft Components.
Joshua Mathew is a Mechanical Engineering Student at Texas A&M University engaged in logistics automation.
Dillan Gay (Project Lead) :: The Sick Inc.
Using 2D LiDAR technology for developing a safety system for heavy machinery.
Dillan Gay is a junior at Texas A&M UniversityTexas A&M University working on his bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, Junior. Some of his activities and societies are: TAMU RoboMasters (Events Manager and Engineer), Creative Writing Techniques Club (President).
* Aggies Create, is a student led consulting organization that allows students to utilize their skills and gain experience while developing solutions for consultants.